Showing Tag: "spirit" (Show all posts)

Why Talk About Vibrations?

Posted by Michael Kirk on Saturday, May 30, 2015, In : Vibrational Soul Path 

     Why does the talk about "vibration" come into everyone's blogs now? The talk about how we are nothing but vibration when, quite frankly, you can't see it. You can't feel it, unless you try, and why the talk about Chakras? 

Well we've heard the term, we are soul with a body attached, but we've been told we are a body with a soul inside, and as we die, the soul leaves and there we are. I believe this is either a misinterpretation of the fact, whether because the people saying this don't rea...

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The Dropping of the Weight

Posted by Michael Kirk on Monday, June 23, 2014,
I have spent many years on the inside of the outside. At 13 I was writing natal astrology charts for my seventh grade classmates. At 15 I was absorbed in God and Jesus to the point of being ministerial. At 18 I was crushing Devil's Food cake on the floor. At 23 I was studying Atlantis and the stories for 14 years. Rosicrucians, and study. Shamanism, and study, Druidry, and study. Years I have spent, in study.

The past few years I've known I was a Druid because the tree told me. Why should a tr...
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